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Take it one day at a time

There is no worse feeling than when you are trying to move on in life and you feel as if you are going backwards. Those things that you thought were behind you are coming back to haunt you. You feel as if you are slowly starting to fall back into the old you. You stop waking up early, you stop cleaning as much, the schedule that you once made now seems to be off and you slowly start to feel discouraged. You start to question and doubt yourself asking if you really changed. You start to feel discouraged because maybe you're a absolute perfectionist and you hate to miss the mark.

The truth is at some point in life and more than once in our life you will end up in this position and that's okay. Don't forget to take a deep breathe and remember that you are human and that it is impossible to be completely perfect. It's okay to fall back in old habits but it is not okay to stay there. Take a deep breath, Get your mind back together, and get back on track.

So use these simple steps below to help you:

  • Determine at what point you fell off.

  • Determine how you can get back on track.

  • Take baby steps, don't go in full force or you will become very overwhelmed.

  • make a schedule and hang it on your wall, put it in a binder or keep it in your reminder on your phone to help you stay on track.

  • Don't be afraid to watch motivational videos on YouTube, we all need a little motivation at some point.

But most importantly, take it one day at a time!

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