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Center your Day Around God & Not God around your Day

But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, "Lord, doesn't it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me." (Luke 10:40)

When The Unexpected Happens

This morning I woke up to an unexpected morning. Last night I had family arrive late and unexpected. I was unprepared yet I still welcomed them into my home with warm greetings and a warm smile. I tried to make them as comfortable as possible until morning came. Just like Martha I wanted to make sure everything was in order & that my guests felt as comfortable as possible.

God wants to meet us in the morning with a warm invitation

This morning I woke up early, said Good Morning to God , did my hygiene routine & immediately began to make breakfast . As I was busying myself in the kitchen this morning working in silence God silently spoke to my heart and he said to me “this is how I want to meet you every morning.

The way that I forced myself out of bed this morning earlier than what I would have, making breakfast, setting aside clean linen and cleaning is the same mannerism God expects me to have toward him. He wants more than a quick Good Morning God, thanks for waking me up. God wants to feel welcomed, he wants to be the first to get your time for the day.

I am guilty of waking up multiple mornings in a rush to get ready for school or work and not having enough time to spend with God . I shoot God a quick drive - by prayer, quickly galnce at my devotional and then I’m out of the door.

Just like Mary or Martha?

I’m sure we’re all familiar with this story in Luke 10:40-48 . If you haven’t read it then please go back & read it, it’s a great & reflective read. In the midst of my chaotic morning God gently reminded me that I was being more like Martha (Busy cleaning & focusing on the unimportant at the moment) Vs being like Mary ( sitting at the feet of Jesus & enjoying every second of being in his presence).

It’s very easy to get caught up in checking off our goals or tending to others needs but we must always remember that before we can take care of others we have to take care of ourselves & it all starts with being at the feet of Jesus.

Sometimes we treat God just how Martha Did , our attention is focused on the least important things & we miss what’s happening right before us.

come to find out later that day God was right I busted my butt & put so much time in preparation not only did I miss out on spending special time with God but my guest missed out on spending time with the breakfast I made hahaha . They told me they didn’t eat breakfast & if they would have known I was cooking they would have told me not to.

Always offer God the first of what you have no matter how much or little you have. It still be longs to him.

So as you go through out your week don’t forget to Center your day around God & not God around your day! He should be first in everything you do .


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