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Focusing On Gratitude

“The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me; to one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation of God!”

- Psalm 50:23

Problems arise and things happen that could cause us to take our eyes off of Christ. Through this month of November, God wanted me to specifically speak about the importance of gratitude and how it is a loss tool in our Christian lives. It’s easy to go through the everyday motions and focus on our responsibilities or circumstances. However how many times do we take the time to simply reflect on all that we have and the many times God has shown Himself faithful to us and done the unimaginable?

Gratitude is not something that we just do for God because he wants us to. Yes, God does want us to be thankful but when we choose to be grateful out of choice instead of obligation the impact is more significant. Reflecting on the things God has done for us and given to us is a powerful tool in spiritual warfare when we are going through a storm, strengthening our relationship with Christ but more importantly keeping us humble before God.

I am guilty of getting carried away in the many things going wrong in my life and the many scenarios I contemplate in my head wishing things would have turned out a different way, or simply stressing over the things I want or don’t have. Yet God reminded me that for the month of November he wanted me to specifically focus on being grateful and giving to others. God reminded me of certain situations he brought me out of that I had NO idea how I would make it through them. He reminded me of the many times he turned my worst situations to work together for my good when I didn’t deserve it and the outcome should have been a different way, but GOD.

As Christians, we are also disciples. We are ambassadors for Christ and there are people we are connected to that are not Christians, yet every day we have the ability to influence them and make an impact on them. What message are you sending to your non-christian friends?

Constantly complaining, moping, and comparing our situations to others does not glorify God. But when we lift our hands and praise God for the little things and outwardly express our gratitude even through a trial these things glorify God and tell of his goodness and faithfulness. Not only to others but also to ourselves.

So throughout this week I encourage you and ask you, please take some time to reflect on God and the many things he has done for you. Have you been too caught up in worldly things? Have you been too focused on the things you don’t have? When was the last time you sat before the father and simply told him thank you?


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